WHO Poll

andyd12345 3:22 Wed Oct 24
If you could have any 3 questions answered, what would they be?
1) Is there an afterlife

2) What happened to Madeline McCann

3) Who killed Teresa Halbach

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Loafer 4:22 Thu Oct 25
Re: If you could have any 3 questions answered, what would they be?
1/ Is it all a dream?

2/ How did the universe, supposedly, start from nothing? Surely something can't come from nothing?

3/ Who was Jack the Ripper. A little clue to get me started will do.

RBshorty 4:16 Thu Oct 25
Re: If you could have any 3 questions answered, what would they be?
The winning numbers for this weeks Euro and Mega Millions. And what is the answer to life the universe and everything.?

dax47988 4:05 Thu Oct 25
Re: If you could have any 3 questions answered, what would they be?
1. Is the issue with my PC the motherboard, the chip or the BIOS?

2. Why is the word 'abbreviation' so long?

3. What would life be like if there were no rhetorical questions?

Westside 3:59 Thu Oct 25
Re: If you could have any 3 questions answered, what would they be?
1. Is there life any where else in the Universe?
2. Will we ever make contact with it?
3. What's it like being dead?

Banjo 2:42 Thu Oct 25
Re: If you could have any 3 questions answered, what would they be?
1. Who will I be in my next life?
2. What happened to Lord Lucan?
3. Who really was ultimately responsible for 9/11?

J.Riddle 2:39 Thu Oct 25
Re: If you could have any 3 questions answered, what would they be?
Winning numbers to the worlds three largest lotteries that can be played by a UK resident ta

The Mercernary 1:39 Thu Oct 25
Re: If you could have any 3 questions answered, what would they be?
1. Am I 100% human?
2. Is there anyone else on earth that is less than 100% human?
3. If we only get one life, can I get a refund?

Worst Case Ontario 1:25 Thu Oct 25
Re: If you could have any 3 questions answered, what would they be?
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

logo 11:40 Thu Oct 25
Re: If you could have any 3 questions answered, what would they be?
1.Do they know it's Christmas time at all?
2. If not, what have they done with all the money?
3. If fortune's always hiding and we've looked everywhere, are they hiding or simply don't exist?

gph 11:17 Thu Oct 25
Re: If you could have any 3 questions answered, what would they be?
"why can't West Ham have a consistent season like 1986 again?"

We had a poor start in that season (6pts out of the first 21 on offer), which meant Liverpool's cheating in the match at Anfield was enough to deprive us of the title.

Trevor B 7:44 Thu Oct 25
Re: If you could have any 3 questions answered, what would they be?
1) Will there ever be a boy born who can swim faster than a shark?
2) What is an elf?
3) How DO I make a heron dead?

lowermarshhammer 6:24 Thu Oct 25
Re: If you could have any 3 questions answered, what would they be?
1. What's for dinner?
2. When will I kick the bucket? 'cos if it's next week work can do one.
3. What's the point?

Claret Badger 2:31 Thu Oct 25
Re: If you could have any 3 questions answered, what would they be?
why do people who aren't upper class vote tory

why don't thick cunts get how bad it is to leave the EU

why can't West Ham have a consistent season like 1986 again?

Mad Dog 2:13 Thu Oct 25
Re: If you could have any 3 questions answered, what would they be?
Is there an after life

What Is beyond the edge of the universe?

What was there before the universe?

PwoperNaughtyButNot 1:59 Thu Oct 25
Re: If you could have any 3 questions answered, what would they be?
1. Was Bob Cryer having and affair with June Acklan?

2. Is it true that Steve Davis and Ray Parlour both have the same milkman father?

3. Do THEY know?

gank 1:37 Thu Oct 25
Re: If you could have any 3 questions answered, what would they be?

gank 1:37 Thu Oct 25
Re: If you could have any 3 questions answered, what would they be?
1. Where is Maddie?
2. When is an ultra rich Arab or American going to take us over for next level football?
3. Was the Burnley game a catalyst to the big spend and MP appointment - Is the Flag man Bubbles forgiven by those who condemned him?

gank 1:36 Thu Oct 25
Re: If you could have any 3 questions answered, what would they be?
Tonka, a booklet was produced on your number 3 in 1999-ish. I have one, I stole it from the West Ham shop in Bluewater as I was reading it when we walked out and just forgot to buy it but as it was only about 3 quid I reckon tons of people have one. It's quite comprehensive and explains everything but a bit long for me to type out.

So basically you've wasted one of your questions!

Peckham 1:27 Thu Oct 25
Re: If you could have any 3 questions answered, what would they be?
1. Where is Maddie?
2. When is an ultra rich Arab or American going to take us over for next level football?
3. Was the Burnley game a catalyst to the big spend and MP appointment - Is the Flag man Bubbles forgiven by those who condemned him?

retro 1:20 Thu Oct 25
Re: If you could have any 3 questions answered, what would they be?
just one... Where's fortune hiding I've looked everywhere.

TonkaToy 12:52 Thu Oct 25
Re: If you could have any 3 questions answered, what would they be?
1 why was Tony Gale sent off?

2 did Harry stab Bill in the back for personal gain or just for the money?

3 which Herbert saddled us with 'bubbles' ?

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